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Madison, Wisconsin

6/18/06 Litter

Up ] [ 6/18/06 Litter ] 6/18/06 Boy1 ] 6/18/06 Boy2 ] 6/18/06 Boy3 ] 6/18/06 Girl ]

getting pretty active, exploring everything, trying to escape, very curious about me, eating, drinking water, using litter pan,
running, climbing, playing with wand toys, wrestling more, and very very cute (despite being in what's called "ugly" fuzzies)
(Note:  all kittens are born with blue eyes, and true eye color won't develop until several months old.)

9 days...
Days spent being cozy, huddle cuddling, sleeping and suckling.

huddle cuddling

this is scarey - i can't see or hear - what's happening to me

boy, am i thirsty

there's always someone who wants the same nipple

spots, spots, spots, spots, and more spots

aren't you guys full yet ?

awwwwwww, am i cute

num num - this is very tasty
Up ] [ 6/18/06 Litter ] 6/18/06 Boy1 ] 6/18/06 Boy2 ] 6/18/06 Boy3 ] 6/18/06 Girl ]



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Revised on:  May 16, 2010
Judy Kintzinger, Webmaster, Madison, Wisconsin